The Bouvier des Flandres was bred in Belgium to drive cattle, pull carts and protect the farm. When properly trained and socialized, the Bouvier makes a fine canine companion, but make no mistake - although technically a herding breed, the Bouvier has a strong personality and a guard-dog instinct.
Bowel incontinence is the loss of the ability to control bowel movements. There are two broad causes of fecal incontinence: reservoir incontinence and sphincter incontinence. In reservoir incontinence, intestinal disease interferes with the rectum's ability to store normal volumes of feces. In sphincter incontinence, a structural or neurologic lesion prevents the anal sphincter from closing normally. Clinical signs, diagnostic testing, and treatment vary based on the underlying cause.
Boxers show their indefatigable enthusiasm for life with their muscled, wiggly bodies and by wagging their little stub of tail. Always ready for play and affection, Boxers make good family dogs.
When governor Richard W. Riley signed into law the act making the Boykin Spaniel the state dog in South Carolina, he said it was because of the fierce dedication, stalwart loyalty, noble character, and eagerness for both hard work and lively play exemplified by this native breed.
Brachycephalic airway syndrome refers to a particular set of upper airway abnormalities that affect brachycephalic dogs. The most common sign of the condition is mouth breathing and, in the long term, the increased effort associated with breathing can put a strain on the dog’s heart. Surgery is the treatment of choice whenever the anatomical abnormalities interfere with a dog’s breathing.
Brain injuries are devastating and, unfortunately, often fatal. The typical signs of brain injury in a dog include altered consciousness that may signal bleeding in the skull, decreased blood flow to the brain, or fluid causing swelling within the brain itself. There are many potential causes of brain injury and treatment will always be determined by the underlying problem that led to the injury.
Brain tumors are generally classified as either primary or secondary. Several studies suggest that the prognosis for a dog with a primary brain tumor may be improved significantly by surgical removal of the tumor, radiation therapy, and/or chemotherapy.
A sheepdog from France? With his long shaggy locks, curiously perked ears and air of dignified aloofness, the Briard is indeed a French sheepdog with that je ne sais quois - not like his British or German sheepherding brothers, but entirely original.
These dogs are playful and happy to join their family in anything. Most are friendly and accepting of strangers. They're happy, waggy dogs who always greet their family with an invitation to play.
Bromethalin is a common rodenticide. Dogs are commonly poisoned when they find loose blocks placed for rodent control, or they access the bulk container. Clinical signs can develop as soon as 2 hours after exposure and as long as 5 days after exposure. There is no antidote for bromethalin, so promptly inducing vomiting can be lifesaving. Prognosis is poor to grave if severe clinical signs develop such as seizures, paralysis, or coma. Patients with milder clinical signs may recover after several weeks but may have permanent neurologic damage.