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Pet Services

  • Dogs use their noses infinitely more than humans to get around in the world and gather information. With specialized olfactory organs that detect pheromones, dogs' sense of smell is thousands of times better than humans.

  • The old theory that one dog year is seven human years does not hold true due to a variety of factors including breed and size of the dog. This handout discusses emotional aging and senior statuses for different breeds of dogs.

  • Baths should be performed in a comfortably warm area, using lukewarm water. Medicated shampoo should be applied to a clean, wet coat, so start by thoroughly rinsing your cat with lukewarm water. Shampoo should be worked into the coat thoroughly and allowed to sit for 10 minutes before rinsing unless directed otherwise by your veterinarian.

  • Medicated shampoos may be prescribed for a variety of skin conditions. These baths should be performed in a comfortably warm area, using lukewarm water. Medicated shampoo should be applied to a clean, wet coat, so start by thoroughly rinsing your dog with lukewarm water. Shampoo should be worked into the coat thoroughly and allowed to sit for 10 minutes before rinsing unless directed otherwise by your veterinarian.

  • Training a dog to understand human communications is easier when we consider how our tone and volume influence our message. Verbal commands will be interpreted differently by your dog depending on how they hear it. Just remember, it’s not just what you say….it’s how you say it.

  • This handout outlines the recommended steps to train and condition your dog for taking your dog hunting. It discusses the two main types of hunting dogs (hounds and gun dogs). Recommendations on what to ask your veterinarian before taking your dog hunting are also included.

  • Hygromas are fluid-filled non-painful swellings that develop suddenly over a bony prominence. They are the body’s reaction to repetitive trauma and usually a result of laying too frequently on hard surfaces. The best treatment is to ensure the prominence affected is well padded to allow the hygroma to recede. This can be accomplished by appropriate padding in the dog’s living quarters and by directly padding the affected area if possible. Rarely, hygromas become infected requiring antibiotics. Very few will need surgery to manage them. This would be recommended on an individual case basis.

  • The term hypercalcemia is used when the level of calcium in the blood is higher than normal. Calcium levels are controlled by a pair of parathyroid glands. High calcium levels may signal the presence of serious underlying disease including kidney failure, adrenal gland failure, a parathyroid gland tumor, and some types of cancer. Pets with hypercalcemia may show signs of weakness, listlessness, increased drinking and urination, and loss of appetite. Your veterinarian will perform diagnostic tests which may include total calcium, ionized calcium, albumin, and parathyroid hormone levels.

  • Hyperlipidemia refers to elevated levels of lipids (fats) in the bloodstream and can be due to several causes. Often times there are no clinical signs. Hyperlipidemia is confirmed using a 12-18 hours fasting sample. The pet's medical history and a search for an underlying cause is important for its treatment. If no underlying cause is found, your pet will need to start eating a low-fat, high-fiber diets, and may be started on the appropriate medications and supplements.

  • Calcium is a mineral that is found in small quantities throughout the body and plays an important role in muscle contraction, transmission of nerve impulses, blood clotting, and bone growth. Hypocalcemia means that the level of calcium in the bloodstream is low. Early signs of hypocalcemia include restlessness, stiffness, weakness, irritability, muscle tremors and hypersensitivity (exaggerated responsiveness) to touch and sound. Calcium and phosphorus levels are closely inter-related and when phosphorus levels increase as a result of chronic kidney disease, calcium levels decrease. With hypocalcemia due to chronic renal failure, treatment is directed at lowering the serum phosphate concentrations by dietary restriction of phosphorus and administration of intestinal phosphate binders. Hypocalcemia may also occur with lactation in a nursing mother cat, low blood protein levels, pancreatitis, certain drugs and toxins, and as a post-operative complication following surgical treatment for hyperthyroidism. If the hypocalcemia is severe, immediate correction of the decreased levels will require calcium injections.