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  • Prednisolone ophthalmic is a topical steroid medication used to treat inflammatory eye conditions in cats, dogs, and other animals. Prednisolone ophthalmic is available as a sole agent or in combination with antimicrobials. It may be used “off label” or “extra label” to treat other eye conditions. Prednisolone ophthalmic comes in ointment and liquid drop form. Avoid use in animals with viral or fungal infections, corneal ulceration, and birds.

  • Prednisone/prednisolone is given by mouth or injection and is used on and off label to treat Addison’s disease, inflammatory conditions, neoplasia (cancer), and immune-mediated diseases. Give this medication as directed by your veterinarian. Common side effects include increased drinking, increased urination, and increased appetite. Do not use in pets that are allergic to it, or pets with systemic fungal infections, viral infections, ulcers, tuberculosis, or Cushing’s disease. If a negative reaction occurs, please call your veterinary office.

  • Pregabalin (brand name Lyrica®), is an anticonvulsant and neuropathic pain medication. It is used to treat refractory or complex partial seizures and chronic neuropathic pain in small animals. It has been used to treat other types of pain in cats and dogs. It is used "off label" or "extra label" in animals. Pregabalin comes in capsule or liquid suspension form.

  • Telemedicine is the act of practicing medicine from a distance and your appointment will be conducted by a licensed veterinarian. Before your appointment, gather information on your pet’s history and your current concern. Look at a calendar and write down a timeline of your pet’s problems. Be prepared to answer questions that you would normally be asked at an in-person appointment. Write notes to help you remember everything. Most telemedicine appointments involve the use of some type of video chat. Conduct your visit in a quiet area with good lighting and have your pet with you before the call starts. Not all concerns can be addressed through telemedicine. If your veterinarian is unable to arrive at a diagnosis via telemedicine, he or she can help you determine the next step for your pet to ensure that he or she receives optimal care.

  • Preparing your cat to travel to the vet is one of the most important investments you can make during the lifespan of your cat. Cats should visit the veterinary hospital at least once yearly. The smoother the experience goes, the least amount of stress both you and your cat will experience.

  • Having your pet properly prepared for a blood test helps to ensure that the results are as accurate and reliable as possible. Preparation for these two types of tests is slightly different. Your veterinarian will give you specific instructions before your appointment. It is important that you follow these instructions exactly to ensure accurate test results.

  • Winter cold weather poses several risks for our pets. This article outlines some of the key risks and how to avoid them, to keep your pet safe year-round.

  • When families shelter together for extended periods, as occurred during the COVID-19 pandemic, pets enjoy nearly constant companionship. As people resume an active lifestyle, pets are suddenly faced with being alone. They may experience distress related to this loss of companionship. Treatment is discussed, such as independence training and an incremental program of safe departures. If your pet shows continued signs of distress related to being alone, it is important to seek professional help to prevent escalation.

  • The American Animal Hospital Association and American Veterinary Medical Association have established guidelines to standardize preventive health care for cats, helping them to live longer, healthier lives. This handout provides an overview of the recommendations within these guidelines and why they are so important.

  • Probiotics are given by mouth and are used over the counter to treat gastrointestinal upset. Give as directed by your veterinarian. Side effects are rare but may include gas or mild discomfort. Do not use in pets that are very sick and immunocompromised, or in pets that are allergic to it. If a negative reaction occurs, please call your veterinary office.