Telemedicine is defined as the act of practicing medicine at a distance. Telemedicine can be offered in a number of different ways: telephone calls, text messaging, online chat, email consultations, and visits conducted through videoconferencing programs. Telemedicine is not appropriate for every concern, such as a pet hit by a car; however, a number of common veterinary complaints can be addressed via telemedicine (e.g., flea allergies, minor limping, mild diarrhea). While it is impossible to perform a complete, comprehensive exam during a telemedicine appointment, in many cases your veterinarian can gather enough information to arrive at a reasonable diagnosis and start treatment. If your veterinarian determines that your pet requires in-person care, your veterinarian can help you determine when and where your pet should be seen and may be able to give you an idea of what to expect during the in-person veterinary visit.
This handout summarizes the differences between brand name and generic medications. Included is an explanation as to why both forms of medications exist, as well as things to watch out for when opting to use or request a generic medication. Cost savings for generic medications are also discussed.
Complete and accurate medical records are like a medical diary for your pet. The ability to review your pet’s medical history before the first appointment will allow your new veterinarian to provide exceptional care that is tailored and timely. You can request that your previous veterinary clinic send your pet's records to your new veterinarian.
There are approximately 35 (or more) species of toucans and toucanets, including the smaller, slender aracari. Their most outstanding feature is the large, elongated, hollow beak that varies in coloration from black to multicolored. Hand-raised babies that are well-socialized make charming, affectionate pets, whereas wild toucans are very challenging to tame. They require a large horizontal cage with lots of perches, as they are very active, curious, and enjoy hopping from perch to perch. However, they can be aggressive with other birds and are known to occasionally kill and eat smaller species, such as canaries and finches. Toucans and toucanets require regular, routine veterinary health check-ups.
Birds are highly intelligent animals and toys are an important part of their mental health, as well as their mental and physical agility. Toys encourage exercise and provide good wear for the beak and nails. Certain toys are ideal while others can be dangerous to your bird.
Tumors are cancerous growths. They may be found on the surface of a bird's body or in the internal organs. Veterinary examination of any growth or lump is highly advised as tumors may grow rapidly or spread.
Lipomas are fatty tumors that affect a variety of pet birds. These are typically benign fatty growths found under the skin. It is classically considered to have both a nutritional and genetic factor for development.
Xanthomas are discrete masses or diffuse, thickened areas of skin that are yellow-orange and dimpled in appearance. They are accumulations of fat and cholesterol and are most commonly found in cockatiels and budgies (and they are more often found in females).
The uropygial gland (preen/preening gland or oil gland) is a normal part of most bird's anatomy. The preen oil is formed by the gland and helps coat a bird's feathers. Infections and tumors may affect the uropygial gland.
The physical examination is a crucial part of assessing the health of a new pet bird. Avian veterinarians may perform special test along with a complete physical examination to determine the bird's true health status. The visit should also include a thorough discussion of proper nutrition, housing, care, grooming and training/socialization of your new bird.