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Preventive Care & Wellness

  • Boxers show their indefatigable enthusiasm for life with their muscled, wiggly bodies and by wagging their little stub of tail. Always ready for play and affection, Boxers make good family dogs.

  • When governor Richard W. Riley signed into law the act making the Boykin Spaniel the state dog in South Carolina, he said it was because of the fierce dedication, stalwart loyalty, noble character, and eagerness for both hard work and lively play exemplified by this native breed.

  • A sheepdog from France? With his long shaggy locks, curiously perked ears and air of dignified aloofness, the Briard is indeed a French sheepdog with that je ne sais quois - not like his British or German sheepherding brothers, but entirely original.

  • These dogs are playful and happy to join their family in anything. Most are friendly and accepting of strangers. They're happy, waggy dogs who always greet their family with an invitation to play.

  • Bromethalin is a common rodenticide. Cats are commonly poisoned when they find loose bait placed for rodent control. Relay toxicity, where poisoning occurs due to ingesting rodents that died from bromethalin, has been anecdotally reported in cats. Clinical signs can develop as soon as two hours after exposure and as long as 24-48 hours after exposure. There is no antidote for bromethalin, so prompt induction of vomiting by a veterinarian can be lifesaving. Prognosis is poor to grave if severe clinical signs develop such as seizures, paralysis, or coma. Patients with milder clinical signs may recover after several weeks but may have permanent neurologic damage.

  • Brumation is a state of sluggishness or inactivity that wild bearded dragons undergo in extreme environmental conditions in their native Australia. Pet bearded dragons are often assumed to be undergoing brumation inside a normal household setting, but in many cases, the pet is sick. A veterinary examination is highly recommended for any reptile showing sings of lethargy or inactivity.

  • Some 50-80% of all cats over the age of four have periodontal disease (infection of the tissues surrounding the teeth). Brushing three times a week is the minimum recommendation to help remove plaque and prevent tartar accumulation. To be successful at brushing your cat's teeth, you must make it a positive experience for both of you. Do not use human toothpaste or baking soda. A list of dental products and diets that have been accepted by the Veterinary Oral Health Counsel can be found at

  • It is estimated that over 80% of dogs over the age of three have periodontal disease (infection of the tissues surrounding the teeth). Brushing three times a week is the minimum recommendation to help remove plaque and prevent tartar accumulation. To be successful at brushing your dog's teeth, you must make it a positive experience for both of you. Do not use human toothpaste or baking soda. A list of dental products and diets that have been accepted by the Veterinary Oral Health Counsel can be found on

  • They're perfectly willing to lie beside you (or on your lap) while you're reading a book, but if you invite them to play, they'll join a rousing game of catch-me-if-you-can.

  • Budgerigars (parakeets) originated in the grasslands of Australia. In the wild, they eat a variety of seeds as well as natural vegetation. Pet budgies fed an all-seed diet may develop a number of nutritional deficiencies. It is recommended to feed a mix of pellets, seeds, fruits, and vegetables.